
The Crossfit Open is Officially 7 days away, each year we do a little mini competition to see who can guess the wods each week. The winner each week will receive a $10 gift certificate to RogueFitness

So here is how it goes!

When does it start?

The guessing is officially open as of the time the Guessing Game post each week (look for the posts with the mystery box). So, for week 1, its now open! It will be closed 10 minutes prior to the release of the wod.

How do I get in on the action?

To get your guess in, all you have to do is post to the comments section of THIS POST.

What are you Guessing?

Guess the movement(s) that you think will be in this upcoming weeks wod along with how long you think the workout will last. You may guess the same movements as another person but a different time domain, that will be the tie breaker, closest to wins. You must get the movements exactly right, if no one wins, the prize rolls over to the next week. If no one wins each week, we will have a guessing game that will definitely have a winner at week 5 of the open.

So, the comments section should look like this.

Brandon: Thrusters and Burpees – 12 minutes.

Savannah: Pull Ups – chest to bar and Box Jumps – 5 minutes

Emily C: Pull Ups – chest to bar and box jumps – 7 minutes.

Carl: Thrusters – 4 minutes

How many Guesses?


What movements may be in the Crossfit Open?

Squatting Movements

Air Squats, Back Squats, Front Squats, Overhead Squats, Wall Balls, Box Jumps(technically not a squat)

Overhead Movements

Press, Push Press, Push Jerk , Split Jerk

Pulling Movements

Deadlifts, Cleans and Hang Cleans, Snatches and Hang Snatches, Kettlebell Swings, Sumo Deadlift High Pulls

Hanging Movements

Pull Ups Chin over bar, Pull Ups  Chest to Bar, Bar Muscle Ups, Muscle Ups, Toes to Bar, Knees to Elbows

Random Movements Covered in “Scenarios” Doubtful SOME of these will occur because standards were not addressed for these in movements course, but of course there are a few that are definitely going to occur, such as burpees.

Pistols, Burpees (Hand Release Burpees), Bar Muscle Ups, Dumbell Snatch

Ready, 3…2…1…Go!