Saturdays 9-10 Class are now FREE SATURDAY WODS! Bring anyone you want! lets have some fun!

Press 3×5 (add 5 lbs to last workout)

Complete 10 rounds for time:

3 Squats @ 65% of 1 RM
6 Ring Dips

Post times and loads to comments.

Deadlifts and Dresses

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Crossfit Football and  the Paleo Diet with Loren Cordaine

Weight gain and female athletes (Our Girls can crush your boys-Crossfit Balboa)

Free The Free Radicals

Any of you guys feel the need to compete? or have you always wanted to? what would you like to compete in? a powerlifting competition, oly competition, crossfit competition, sports event, 5k, 10k or more? post to comments.

****CFSB is participating in Barbells for Boobs on Saturday, October 23, 2010, at 10:00 a.m.  Every one of us has a grandmother, mother, wife, sister, or daughter that has been or could be affected by breast cancer.  This is an amazing cause that CFSB is proud to be supporting.  Below is some information you will find useful when you register for Barbells for Boobs!  Chalk up, wear pink, and get ready to help make a difference.
***We are encouraging you to bring your friends to play around with us on that day, whether or not you are registering you can still do the wod. You just wont get a sweet Barbells for boobies T-shirt. For those of you who are not CFSB members I will be posting instructional Clean and Jerk videos under the video section so that you can get an idea of what you are doing before you do come in and bang it out.
• Participant registration:  Athletes should go to, click on the sign up tab, and scroll down to participant.  Athletes can register as an individual or if there is more than 1 person paying on 1 credit card then register as a group.  From there fill in the necessary info.  Be sure to select Crossfit South Bend under the affiliate tab.
•All t-shirts will be shipped to Crossfit South Bend.  To get your t-shirts by the day of the event, register at least 10 days prior, or by October 13, 2010.  Anyone who registers after the 10 day mark will receive their shirts in November.
Im planning on getting a photographer to come in for the event as well, I think it would be pretty cool if everyone wore black and pink! get crazy with it.
Mikes Gym Olympic weightlifting wod-Rest Day