Push Jerk 1rm



For time

150 wall ball shots 20/10



for time

30 Snatches 135/95

Aaron Bell and Senator Brett

HEY GUYS!!! We plan on doing the Crossfit Football Total Today (Friday) from about 12pm-2pm, It takes a while if you do it right, about 1.5-2 hours if you do it the right way. This is not a class, this will be a few of us getting together to lift some massive weights, er…well…Aaron Bell will be. But if any of you would like to join in on the workout you are more than welcome to join us.

For those of you that do not know, the CFFB Total is…

CF Football Total

Power Clean 1 Rep
Squat 1 Rep
Bench 1 Rep
Deadlift 1 Rep

*Perform a single max effort for the lifts listed above.
*After warm-ups, 3 attempts are allowed.
*Total must be done in the specified order.
*Combine all 4 lifts to create CF Football Total

Post total to comments.

Here are some fun articles about lifting heavy weights, you dont need to read them all, but there is some good stuff in here πŸ™‚ Heavy Lifting (heavy being a relative term, what is heavy to me and you may not be heavy to Aaron bell, so on and so forth) But stepping up to the bar, and lifting, squatting, or pressing with every single ounce of effort you have in your body and lifting your true one rep max, is a great feeling and can be very zen-like. A lot of people go through life not having a clue what their body is capable of. Over the next few weeks we will make sure you can all tell me your 1 rep max for the major lifts, then we will watch them go up.

Benefits of Olympic weightlifting

10 reasons weight does not bulk up the female athlete


weight gain and female athletes

do I need to be in shape?

mastering a skill

raw-vegan v.s. hunter gatherer

Some other fun stuff i enjoy

Powerlifting breakdown

β€œStrong people are harder to kill than weak people and more useful in generalβ€œ- Mark Rippetoe