20 Minutes to reach max weight on Bear Complex (we are slightly changing the bear complex, video below, I will expain during warm ups)

Increasing load each time


4 rounds

Max Strict Pull ups

Max Bar dips

50 yard walking lunge

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Dugan on the rower

Kelssie on the bar

Tara in the purple

Katrina in the pink

You’ll be seeing more pictures of a lot of the newer CFSB crossfitters šŸ™‚ I have a much more convenient method of getting pictures of all of you. (carl takes em now, lol) Some of you are still hard to capture on camera, like bigfoot. or loch ness..you get the idea. I am trying to get photos of all of you though.



Read 5rm, 3-3-3-3-3, 5×3

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Get your scores in as soon as possible if you havent validated them. Once it hits 5pm on sunday its really hard for me to get online and get things validated, so get them submitted before then please.