
Pause Back Squat – Heavy 3

*High Bar Position, FULL SQUAT, 3 count at the bottom.


Teams of 3

3 Rounds

1:00 Max Bench Press (135/95)

Rest :30

1:00 Max Toes to Bar

Rest :30

1:00 Spot the person Benching

*You’ll figure it out once we get in class. Score is, team score, as well as individual score.

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Bring a friend day…32 People deep!


Hey all!

So just a little note 🙂 My apologies if I have been harder to reach the last week and up until next week! I moved last weekend and this next week I will be gone on vacation! (my first vacation in 2 years or so,) Carl, Robby, Amy, and Savannah will be running the gym, and doing a beautiful job at it. I will still be fielding emails and doing posts, I just won’t be able to drive 14 hours back and do a one on one with you. So be patient with me next week 🙂 IF you wish to schedule a one on one, talk about the on ramp, get whole 30 measurements scheduled, pay your membership, ask about a mole you might need to get looked at, or just to talk to someone, feel free to contact some of the coaches on duty!

Carl Phone: 574-261-4597